Spanish Advertisers and the New Communication Context: A Qualitative Approach




Keywords, advertisers, trends in communication, advertising, consumer, brand, strategy


This article analyses the current way advertising is run by Spanish advertisers, as well as the tendencies and new working outlooks for the next few years. The current changes taking place in advertising communication are the starting point for this research project of an applied nature, whose results are presented here. This context of change is characterised by technological advances, the hegemony of the consumer, and changes in the media, professional routines and the relationships and structure of the corporate advertiser. The main objectives of the research were to understand the role of advertising within the general structure of the company, analyse the relationship of the advertiser with the agents involved in the communications industry and identify the main problems which are causing the present system of advertising to move towards new working methods. Using qualitative methodology –in–depth interviews of major Spanish advertisers– as a basis, we proceeded to the analysis of the main subject areas in the way advertising is run by the advertisers and the discourses which articulate the advertisers’ understanding of the practice of communication.


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Author Biographies

Juan Benavides Delgado, Complutense University of Madrid

PhD. Chair of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising at the Complutense University of Madrid (Faculty of Information Sciences).

Since 1984, he has specialised in studying the language and analysing the media and advertising, carrying out numerous research projects, many of which are published in books and scholarly journals both Spanish and international.

Since 1998, he has expanded his subject of interest to investigating the value, brand management and the ethical and intellectual contents present in institutional and corporate communication of organisations and corporations, applying many of his results to the study of institutional, political and corporate communication.

He has published many books and articles on this subject and contributed to collective works in the field, specialising himself on audiovisual communication, analysis of advertising, brand management and the new spheres of action of advertisers and corporations in dealing with intellectual assets and social responsibility.

He is a collaborative member of the Javier Benjumea Chair of Economic and Corporate Ethics, attached to the Comillas Pontifical University and, since 2008, academic director at the Complutense University of the “Brands that Think” project, in which some of the major Spanish corporations collaborate directly. He has organised and directed various courses and seminars on these subjects.

At the same time, he is part of a number of scholarly committees of communication journals. He has received various awards and distinctions for his scholarly research and university teaching.

Nuria Villagra García, Complutense University of Madrid

Nuria Villagra García is Professor at the Complutense University of Madrid (Department of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising I, Faculty of Information Sciences). In recent years, she has published various books and articles on communication and is a frequent speaker at national and international conferences.

She has collaborated with and been visiting professor at various universities (University of Montevideo, University of Málaga, University of Seville, ESIC Business & Marketing School, Villanueva University Centre and the Autonomous University of Barcelona among others).

She is also a member of the Javier Benjumea Chair (Focus on Abengoa, a sustainable development company) of Economic and Corporate Ethics and the research group FONTA (Formación en Nuevas Tecnologías del Audiovisual, i.e. training in new audiovisual technologies).

She has been part of the “Brands that Think” project since its creation in 2008. In the past nine years she has collaborated on and developed research projects and consultancy for different corporations and institutions on issues related to commercial communication, corporate and institutional communication and dealing with intellectual assets (brand, CSR, reputation, identity and image).

She has acted as co-editor in the book series Ciclo de Comunicación Complutense (1999-2009)

David Alameda García, University of Salamanca

Degree in Advertising and Public Relations from the Complutense University of Madrid, 1995. PhD in Information Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid, 2005. Expert in Market Studies, Course on Market Research, AEDEMO, 2008.

Assistant Professor to the Chair of the Faculty of Communication, Pontifical University of Salamanca (since 1999). In the course teaching for the degree in Advertising and Public Relations, he is specialised in the subjects related to the fields of marketing and market research (Marketing, Research in Advertising, Systems and Processes in Advertising).
He is a member of various research teams involved in different projects relating to marketing and advertising, studies of the different publics, brand management and the new parameters of the advertising industry and the advertisers.

He has published books on the subject of advertising and communication, numerous articles and book chapters on the new advertising reality, specialising on areas related to the models used in research on advertising and the media. He has acted as co-editor in the book series Ciclo de Comunicación Complutense (1999-2009).

Elena Fernández Blanco, University of Salamanca

Degree in Advertising and Public Relations from the Complutense University of Madrid, 1995. PhD in Information Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid, 2005. University specialist in “Practice of the Sociology of Consumption: Theory and Practice in Market Research”, Complutense University of Madrid, 1996. Advanced Course on Advertising Media at the Association of Media Agencies (Asociación Agencias de Medios), 2003.

Assistant Professor to the Chair of the Faculty of Communication, Pontifical University of Salamanca (since 1998). In the course teaching for the degree in Advertising and Public Relations, she is specialised in the course relating to advertising and advertising media, The Planning of advertising media and New Media and Advertising Supports. At the same time, she has given classes in previous courses.

She is a member of various research teams involved in different projects relating to advertising, the media and the nature of the advertiser.

She has published books, numerous articles and contributed to books on advertising and communication, dealing specifically with the subject of the hybridisation of audiovisual formats, the ethical implications of news and information messages and the new role which ought to be adopted by the advertiser and the media themselves in the face of the changes occurring in the media and advertising market.

She has acted as co-editor in the book series Ciclo de Comunicación Complutense (1999-2009).


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How to Cite

Benavides Delgado, Juan, Nuria Villagra García, David Alameda García, and Elena Fernández Blanco. 2010. “Spanish Advertisers and the New Communication Context: A Qualitative Approach”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 65 (February):159-75.




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