The audiovisual communication policy of the socialist Government (2004-2009): A neoliberal turn


  • Ramón Zallo University of País Vasco UPV/EHU



audiovisual policy, general law of audiovisual communication, RTVE (Radio Televisión Española), cognitive capital, concentration, pluralism


The first legislature of Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero’s government (2004-08) generated important initiatives for some progressive changes in the public communicative system. However, all of these initiatives have been dissolving in the second legislature to give way to a non-regulated and privatizing model that is detrimental to the public service. Three phases can be distinguished, even temporarily: the first one is characterized by interesting reforms; followed by contradictory reforms and, in the second legislature, an accumulation of counter reforms, that lead the system towards a communicative system model completely different from the one devised in the first legislature.

This indicates that there has been not one but two different audiovisual policies running the cyclical route of the audiovisual policy from one end to the other. The emphasis has changed from the public service to private concentration; from decentralization to centralization; from the diffusion of knowledge to the accumulation and appropriation of the cognitive capital; from the Keynesian model - combined with the Schumpeterian model and a preference for social access - to a delayed return to the neoliberal model, after having distorted the market through public decisions in the benefit of the most important audiovisual services providers. All this seems to crystallize the impressive process of concentration occurring between audiovisual services providers in two large groups that would be integrated by Mediaset and Sogecable and - in negotiations - between Antena 3 and Imagina. A combination of neo-statist restructuring of the market and neo-liberalism.


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Author Biography

Ramón Zallo, University of País Vasco UPV/EHU

Ramón Zallo Elguezabal (Gernika 1948). Degree in Law (1971) and Economics (1970). Ph. Journalism. Chair of Audio-visual Communication at the University of the Basque Country. Specialist since 1978 in Structures, Economics, Audio-visual politics, Culture and Communication.

In the field of economics and cultural and communicative politics, he has published numerous articles in Telos, Zer, Oikos..., other publications include "Cultural and Communication economics" (1987), "The Culture Market” (1992) and as director, "Industry and Cultural Politics in Spain and the Basque Country" (1995). He directed along side E. Bustamante "Cultural Industries in Spain" (1988) and with P. Azpillaga and J.C. de Miguel published “Komunikabideak Hemen” (Structural Moderation in the Basque Country) (2002).

He has published numerous chapters in various books alongside other authors. The last four in books coordinated by E. Bustamante “Communication and culture in the digital era. Industry,markets and diversity in Spain” (2002); “Towards a new world communication..Cultural industries in the digital era” (2003); “Culture and communication for the 21st Century. Diagnosis and public politics””. Ideco-Tenerife (2007); “Digital audiovisulas. Politics and strategies in the autonomous communities” (Tenerife 2009).

Political analyst in newspapers and magazines. He recently published in Viento Sur “ETA. after the permanent cease-fire in 2006”. He also carried out an investigation into the Egunkaria case. He has published various books on the analysis of Basque politics or culture, eg. “Euskadi or the second transition“ (1996); "The country of the Basque people: from the Ermua case to the second Ibarretxe government” (2001); “The Basque land, today. Culture history and society in a time of diversity and understanding” (2007) edited in four languages, or “Understanding the Basque country and its culture” (2008), edited by the Basque Government in seven languages for immigrants, visitors and for general Basque circulation.

He has coordinated and written the university text book on cultural themes, economics, social sciences and politics “The Basque country and its crossroads: diagnosis and proposals“ (2008).

He has experience in strategic, cultural and communicative management after having worked as Consultant to the Cultural Council of the Basque Country on issues of communication, audio-visuals and culture in the 2002-2009 legislature. Principal author of the Basque plan of culture(2004-2015) and of the “Orientation of the second Basque plan of culture 2009-2012” He also participated in  the Reference book of Audiovisuals in Euskadi (2003) –of which was born the group EIKEN–, in the setting up of The Basque observatory of culture (2006), and also in the preparation of Basque legislation relative to FM radio, Local Digital T.V., Project on the law of communication and of the councel of audio-visuals, decree of finance of audio-visuals in the Basque Country and advisor in the two principal contract programmes with EITB.

 He is the director of the section “Structure and politics of communication” of the Spanish Association of Investigation of Communication (AE-IC), and president of the Spanish section in the Latin Union of  Political Economics of Information, Communication and culture (ULEPICC).




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How to Cite

Zallo, R. . (2010). The audiovisual communication policy of the socialist Government (2004-2009): A neoliberal turn. Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (65), 014–029.


