Human rights treatment in La Voz de Galicia


  • Mercedes Román Portas University of Vigo



Press, Human Rights, Freedom, No discrimination, Agenda Setting, Content analysis


This article summarizes the results of an investigation pertaining to “Human Rights and the Written Press.”  The project resulted from a collaborative effort between teachers from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and the Universidad de Vigo in response to an accord established by the Fundacion Ciudadania y Valores.  The general goal of this project is to employ quantitative content analysis methods to analyze the types of human rights-related press information received by readers of the regional newspaper, La Voz de Galicia.  The specific objective of the research project was to study the level of interest that exists among readers regarding human rights reporting in La Voz de Galicia.  The investigators demonstrate the quantitative frequency of contents reported in this newspaper related to human rights by presenting the analytical results of topics grouped by four select articles pertaining to the Universal Human Rights Declaration.


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Author Biography

Mercedes Román Portas, University of Vigo

Director of the Departmental Section of Communication of the Evolutionary Psychology and Communication Department of the University of Vigo (Spain).

President of the Academic Committee of the University Master's Degree in Communication Research at the University of Vigo She received a doctorate in journalism from the University of Navarra in 1994. Professor of journalism at the University of Vigo (1998).

She currently teaches in the degree in advertising and public relations and in the degree in audiovisual communication at the University of Vigo: History of Communication and Theory of Communication. She is a professor on the Master in Communication Research.

Main lines of research: local televisions, communication groups in Spain, the media and human rights. She has published, among others, the following articles: "Communication Groups. Local digital terrestrial television in Galicia". "Current situation of the Localia TV stations in Galicia". "Principles of citizen journalism".


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How to Cite

Román Portas, M. (2009). Human rights treatment in La Voz de Galicia. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (64), 819–826.


