Proximity television in Spain. Concessional processes, analysis of Population and GDP
Proximity television, Digital Terrestrial Television, Mass Media Structure, local television, regional television, SpainAbstract
The concessional process for the proximity digital terrestrial television in Spain is an open and incomplete process with a significant number of autonomous regions that are still waiting for the concession contests. We undertake an analysis of the main tendencies which arise from the awarded contests. The provisional study of the local television in the wake of the DTT, (Digital Terrestrial Television), refers to the arrival of new actors to the Spanish proximity audiovisual market. We propose an account of the DTT market from two spheres (local-insular and regional) related to size, population and GDP in the different geographical areas. This work-in-progress shows a map of the situation of development and implementation of the digital technologies in the regional and local sphere. We analyse the concessional processes, and the relevance and potential profitability of the licence market. We also study the regional population structure and the GDP in the different audiovisual regions.
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