Monopoly and pluralism. Keys to harmonising media concentration and institutional control in Germany




Media, Concentration, Regulation, Pluralism


This article analyses the context in which media concentration has developed in Germany, using the example of Axel Springer’s attempted acquisition of ProSiebenSAT.1 as a case study. We focus on the mechanisms formulated by the various regional and federal authorities in Germany to guarantee pluralism in news and factual information within the media in order to clarify whether these controls are sufficient or adequate in the new context of cross-media concentration.


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Author Biography

Lorena Rosalía Romero Domínguez, University of Sevilla

Lorena R. Romero Domínguez has a doctorate in Journalism from the University of Seville and a professor at the Faculty of Communication.

His line of research, focused on the History and Structure of Communication, has produced titles such as "The Andalusian press during the Restoration: The Golden Age of the political model and the failure of New Journalism", in Manual de la Comunicación en Andalucía [in press ], "The lost innocence. Report on eleven courses of the Faculty of Information Sciences of the University of Seville (1989 / 1990-1999 / 2000)", "Literary supplements: Between the new journalism, cultural regeneration and social issue (the Sevillian case) ”,“ The Cadiz press in the Second Republic ”,“ Reaction and liberalism in the Cadiz press ”,“ Considerations on the study of the history of journalism in the online universe ”,“ Agitation and propaganda in the Novemberrevolution: Espartaco and Die Rote Fahne "," R / historiographical evolution: mediated history and media historicity "," The dictatorship of Primo de Rivera: between control and censorship ".

She has been a visiting researcher at the Humboldt Universities, Berlin; in the Cultural Studies Section of the University of Constance (Germany); at the Cardiff University School of Journalism and the Johannes Gutenberg University Institute of Publicity in Mainz (Germany).

Likewise, she has participated in the following projects: “Ethics and informative excellence. The informative deontology in front of the expectation of the citizenship in Andalusia "," History of the Gaditan Journalism "," Elaboration of a teaching guide on Information Structure in the ECTS framework "," Study on the situation of women in rural Andalusia "," Medienmoderne. Glaubwürdigkeit und Massenmedien in der Moderne. Erarbeitung eines Kompendiums.


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How to Cite

Romero Domínguez, L. R. (2009). Monopoly and pluralism. Keys to harmonising media concentration and institutional control in Germany. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (64), 540–552.


