Alcohol Advertising description and analysis in the Muy Interesante magazine




Advertising, alcoholic beverages, values, young people, role, consumption


The topics concerning advertising arise great interest because of the persuasive effects of publicity but also for its influence on the behaviour of the individuals to whom it is directed. From the beginning we found several controversies, which
motivate research on advertising and its perception and interpretation on the part of the public. In this work we aim at analyzing the advertising of alcohol, in  Muy Interesante magazine, taking as a sample students from State Universities in the Province of Alicante. The sample consists of 380 insertions of 51 brands of different alcoholic drinks. Our intention is double; 1. To describe the contents of the spotted advertising messages; 2. To identify the underlying values in the advertising of alcohol. The analysis was performed by two groups of key reporters: one consisted  off seven university students from different qualifications and sex, and another one integrated by seven experts of different areas related to the main goals of this study.. The gathering of information was done through a structured questionnaire.


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Author Biographies

José Antonio García del García del Castillo, Miguel Hernánde University

José A. García del Castillo Rodríguez, doctor in Psychology, Professor of the United States. of Social Psychology, Specialist Psychologist in Clinical Psychology, Director of the Drug Addiction Research Institute (INID) of the Miguel Hernández University of Elche.

Coordinator of the Health Psychology Doctoral Program of the Higher Institute of Educational Sciences (ISCE) of Portugal, member of the Technical Committee for the Prevention of Drug Addiction of the Ministry of Health of the Generalitat Valenciana.

His research career focuses on the study of drug addiction prevention; He has to his credit numerous funded research projects, book publications, scientific articles and conference contributions.    

Carmen López Sánchez, University of Alicante

Carmen López-Sánchez, Doctor in Psychology from the Miguel Hernández University School of Medicine, specialist in Clinical Psychology from the Ministry of Education and Science, and Social Research technician from the Madrid Institute of Applied Sociology.

Head of the University School in the area of Social Psychology at the University of Alicante, Department of Communication and Social Psychology at the University of Alicante. She is a professor in the Bachelor of Advertising and Public Relations.

She teaches Psychosocial Bases of Communication and Psychosocial Analysis of Advertising. Since its creation, she has actively participated in the Drug Dependence Research Institute (INID) of the Miguel Hernández University.

Mª del Carmen Quiles Soler, University of Alicante

María del Carmen Quiles Soler, doctor from the University of Alicante and a degree in Information Sciences (Advertising and Public Relations branch) from the Complutense University of Madrid.

She is currently part of the Department of Communication and Social Psychology at the University of Alicante.

She is a professor in the Bachelor of Advertising and Public Relations; she teaches in the subject "Systems and Processes in Advertising and Public Relations".

Álvaro García del Castillo-López , Miguel Hernández University

Álvaro García del Castillo-López, Graduated in Psychology from the Miguel Hernández University (UMH) of Elche. Master in Human Resources in Organizations.

He has worked for several years as a human resources consultant in a multinational service sector company. In his activity, he developed personnel recruitment and selection functions, as well as advice and commercial treatment of large accounts.

He is currently part of the Department of Health Psychology of the UMH and collaborates with the Institute for Drug Addiction Research (INID).


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How to Cite

García del Castillo, José Antonio García del, Carmen López Sánchez, Mª del Carmen Quiles Soler, and Álvaro García del Castillo-López. 2009. “Alcohol Advertising description and analysis in the Muy Interesante magazine”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 64 (February):461-68.


