Reality transgression in televisions reports. The treatment of the case “El Cabanyal”




Reality transgression, eclectic paradigm, discourse analysis, audiovisual genre, television reports, media discourse


In this paper, we are assuming, as a starting point, that the economic logic which defines the structure and dynamic system of global and local communication determines the treatment and construction of social reality in various types of discourse which are produced in the media. In this case, the purpose of the study is, precisely, to verify that as a consequence of the above mentioned prevailing logic, the audiovisual discursive construction of the television show Cuatro Callejeros is executed by transgressing the social reality that it intends to broadcast, i.e., the day to day of “El Cabanyal” district by transforming it in consumers’ persuasive entertainment rather than in a dialectic reading which would allow citizens/viewers to make sense of it. This is, specifically what, according to us, represents “Cabanyal, herida abierta”, an undertaking accomplished by the media’s team of Crónicas in channel 2 of RTVE.


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Author Biographies

José María Bernardo Paniagua, University of Valencia

Activity: Professor of Audiovisual Communication at the University of Valencia (UVEG). Professor in the official Master of the University of Valencia (Audiovisual Communication): Formats and contents in the digital age and in the European Master of the Jaume I University of Castellón: New Trends and Innovation Processes in Communication. resident of the CAT (Academic Degree Commission) of the Audiovisual Communication Degree. Member of the CEPEs of the UVEG's Degrees in Journalism and Audiovisual Communication.

Training: Graduate in Philosophy and Theology (Lateran University of Rome). Sociology studies at the León XIII Institute of Studies in Madrid. Graduate in Geography and History at the University of Valencia. Graduate in Hispanic Philology at the University of Valencia. Doctor in Hispanic Philology at the University of Valencia. Professor of Spanish Language and Literature at EEMM. (1986-2002).

Research: Research lines: Theory and Structure of Communication. Structure of Communication in the Valencian Community. Media treatment of gender violence. Construction of the daily media. Science, technology and society: risk communication. Researcher in the R&D project funded by the Ministry of Education and Science ISEJ2006-15544: Prevention and eradication of gender violence within the framework of Organic Law 1/2004, of December 28. A transdisciplinary study. Women in the contents of Secondary Education within the framework of the VI Plan for Scientific Research, Development and Technological Innovation 2008-2011. Subprograms of Fundamental Research Projects oriented to the transmission of knowledge in the company. TRACE program. Risk communication through the information media of the Valencian Community. Generalitat Valenciana / GV05 / 2006. Valencian environmental documentation, subsidized by the Generalitat Valenciana Publications: (2007). “Commenting on audiovisual texts. A marc d’aproximació ”. In Articles, nº 43. (2006) The media communication system. From interpersonal communication to global communication. Valencia: Tirant lo Blanc; (2005). "Communication and language". In López, A .; Gallardo, B. Knowledge and language. (2005) "The media construction of gender violence" in Boix, J .; Martínez, E. The new law against gender violence. Madrid: Iustel, pp. 157-207; (2003) The debate on media culture. Valencia: Nau llibres; (2001) Justice and media representation. Madrid: New Library. (1997). The texts, the text. Valencia: Nau Llibres. (nineteen ninety five). The construction of Linguistics. An epistemological debate. LynX, Annex 9. Valencia: University of Valencia.

Nel·lo Pellisser Rossell, University of Valencia

Activity Associate Professor of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising at the University of València-Estudi General. Teacher of the "Master of content and formats in the digital age". Journalist-editor of Canal 9 Ràdio-Televisió Valenciana since 1993. Previously, he has worked in the press (La Vanguardia, Mediterráneo, El Observador, El Mundo, El Temps) and on radio (Ràdio 9).

Training Degree in Information Sciences from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). Doctor in Audiovisual Communication from the University of València-General Study.

Research He is currently participating as a researcher in the R&D project financed by the Ministry of Education and Science ISEJ2006-15544: “Prevention and eradication of gender violence within the framework of Organic Law 1/2004, of December 28. A transdisciplinary study ”. Year: 2006-2009. He also participates in the project "Television and political deliberation" whose official code is CSO2008-02589 / SOCI, directed by UPF professor Josep Gifreu.

Publications Author of the books Testimoni d'un temps (1994), Martí Domínguez i Barberà: la passió per la paraula (2004), and co-author of Justice and media representation (2001), The debate on the culture of the image (2003), Strategies for programming, dissemination and management of audiovisual content (200, 2008), Ser Joan Fuster: 33 visions sobre l'escriptor (2008).


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How to Cite

Bernardo Paniagua, J. M., & Pellisser Rossell, N. . (2009). Reality transgression in televisions reports. The treatment of the case “El Cabanyal”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (64), 328–340.


