From intellect to elocutio: a model of rhetorical analysis for the personal column




model, rhetorical analysis, personal column, intellectio, elocutio


In all likelihood, no journalistic genre today is going through a happier time from a quantitative point of view than the opinion column. Served in abundance by print media; rich and varied in terms of content, approaches and styles; and vehicle for the entire range of social, political and cultural approaches that make up public opinion (or at least those that the establishment can accept), the column has become an irreplaceable piece of the current journalistic mosaic, which remains lame and loses appeal to readers without the personal input of their signatures. It is an identifying and unifying element of the discourse of the press, since it finds accommodation in any printed medium (newspapers, Sunday supplements, magazines ...), and for some years even in the audiovisual media.

The column fascinates by its urgent diagnosis of reality, served in the heat of events in just 60 lines; for its literary and expressive value, undoubted in some cases, less obvious in others, but always present even as an aspiration; by the influence that it exerts - or can exert - on the audience, thanks to its persuasive quality; due to the intrinsic interest of the judgments it transmits, expressed unambiguously even though they are minor or arbitrary; in short, due to the personality of the columnists themselves, who through daily work become familiar interlocutors for their readers. With the column, you have access to a different way of interpreting the present, more creative, closer and less urgent than that sought by other media.





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Author Biography

Bernardo Gómez Calderón, University of Málaga

Bernardo Gómez Calderón is Associate Professor in the Department of Journalism, of which he has been a member since 1997. His main research interests are opinion genres, specialised journalism, social networks and the practice of the journalistic profession. He has published more than 60 articles, books and book chapters, and has three six-year research periods recognised by ANECA (Spanish National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation). Since 2001 he has been continuously involved in national and regional research projects, and is currently directing an R&D project awarded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation in 2020. Between 2011 and 2016 he held the position of Director of the Communication Secretariat of the University of Malaga, and since February 2021 he is Director of the Department of Journalism at the UMA.


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Véase GRUPO “M” (1987): ‘Retórica general’. Barcelona, Paidós, ISBN: 84-7509-415-5. En esto coincidimos con el criterio de Tomás Albaladejo, uno de los primeros y más asiduos cultivadores de los estudios retóricos en nuestro país; y con Helena Beristáin, autora del completísimo ‘Diccionario de Retórica y Poética’ (México, Editorial Porrúa, 1995).

GRUPO “M” (1987): ob. cit., págs. 71 y ss.

Para una descripción detallada de las diversas figuras aquí recogidas, remitimos a MARCHESE, A. y FORRADELLAS, J. (1988): ‘Diccionario de retórica, crítica y terminología literaria’. Barcelona, Ariel, ISBN: 84-344-8386-6; MARCOS ÁLVAREZ, F. (1993): ‘Diccionario básico de recursos expresivos’. Badajoz, Universitas Editorial, ISBN: 84-85583-88-4; MAYORAL, J. A. (1994): ‘Figuras retóricas’. Madrid, Síntesis, ISBN: 84-7738-218-2; y BERISTÁIN, H. (1995): ob. cit..

Sobre las diversas modalidades de citación, véanse REIS, C. (1989): ‘Fundamentos y técnicas de análisis literario’. Madrid, Gredos, ISBN: 84-249-0147-9; GARRIDO MORAGA, A. (1993): “Cuestiones de intertextualidad”, en ‘Canente’, núm. 10, ISSN: 0213-7895, págs. 87-93; y MARTÍNEZ FERNÁNDEZ, J. E. (2001): ‘La intertextualidad literaria’. Madrid, Cátedra, ISBN: 84-376-1901-7.



How to Cite

Gómez Calderón, Bernardo. 2004. “From intellect to elocutio: a model of rhetorical analysis for the personal column”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 59 (January):8-12.




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