From stereotypes to gender gap and life after age 70 in Grace and Frankie series




Grace and Frankie series; Bechdel test; aging; sexuality; stereotypes breakage; Rydel Inclusion


Introduction: This paper presents the partial results of an interdisciplinary research following an innovation project funded by the University of Salamanca. Gender studies within the framework of intersectionality emerge as an analytical tool through which to understand the complexity of the world, the diversity of people and experiences. Social inequalities, in this case related to gender, sexuality, age or life skills, after youth are the driving forces behind research. The media is all-powerful as a reflection screen of social and cultural models, of male and female patterns. Methodology: The chosen methodology was based on the application of the Bechdel test, to differentiate the presence and the dialogical issue between the two female protagonists, and on the Rydel Inclusion, to evaluate the gender representation on the artistic-technical teams. The purpose is the identification of gender stereotypes and their disruption on the series Grace and Frankie, where protagonists are over 70 years old and keep on overcome the psychological barrier of the 70 years showing continuously vital expectations, on an active and intense way Results: There is a paradigm change of the traditional stereotypes presentation so that senior protagonists continue to have important vital principles, accepting weaknesses as an age result, or as something natural and existential.. Conclusions: The outcome show surprising data on the Rydel test.


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Author Biographies

Begoña Gutiérrez San Miguel, University of Salamanca

Associate Professor at the University of Salamanca. The research activity is related to audiovisual narratives, cultural studies, and gender studies, with publications in impact journals and participating in competitive research projects. Director and Editor of the Fonseca Journal of Communication (2010 to present). Director of the cinematographic program of Radio Luces in the city. Radio University of Salamanca (2000-2010). Director of the Communication and Protocol Cabinet of the University of Salamanca (2003-2005). Member of the Coordination of European Festivals (1996-1997), Brussels (Belgium). Member of the Management Committee of the Huesca Film Festival (1993-2010). Deputy Director of the IUCE of the University of Salamanca (1998-1999). Film critic in the radio program Radio de Luna Llena (Asturias, 1990-1996).

Ana Catarina Pereira, University of Beira Interior

Teaching Assistant at the University of Beira Interior and Ph.D. in Communication Sciences, in the Film and Multimedia strand, by the same university. She is a member of the Equality Commission at this University. Researcher at the LabCom.IFP center, she graduated in Communication Sciences by the New University of Lisbon and with a Diploma of Advanced Studies in Human Rights by the University of Salamanca. She is the coordinator of the Working Group of Film Studies at Sopcom. She has worked as a journalist. Co-founder and director of Magnética Magazine. She is the author of several books and scientific articles published in national and international journals. She has given conferences, training sessions, workshops, and masterclasses in Brazil, Spain, England, and Sweden, among other countries. Her research lines focus on feminist studies, film studies, cultural studies, art pedagogy, Portuguese cinema, and other minority cinematographies.

Daniel Acle Vicente, University of Salamanca

Associate Professor at the University of Salamanca. He teaches undergraduate and various Master's degrees. The research activity is related to the relationships between philosophy, literature, and audiovisual narrative. He is part of the scientific committee of various research journals related to the area of cinema and audiovisual narrative.


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How to Cite

Gutiérrez San Miguel, B. ., Catarina Pereira, A. ., & Acle Vicente, D. . (2020). From stereotypes to gender gap and life after age 70 in Grace and Frankie series. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (77), 413–430.




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