Study of the profiles on TikTok of El Mundo, El País, ac2alityespanol and La Wikly to analyze the informative opportunities of this social network for the young audience




Information, Journalism, Tik Tok, media, Social networks, Comunication, Youth


Introduction: This research addresses the informative use of TikTok, one of the social networks that has grown the most in number of users in 2023. Its display formula causes rapid and direct consumption, which means the viralization of its contents. This has caused the media to start working on the possibilities it has as an informative support. Methodology: In the first place, a descriptive study has been chosen through a survey with a non-probabilistic sample to find out the consumption habits of young people. And, secondly, we have carried out a content analysis of four TikTok profiles directly related to the dissemination of news: El Mundo, El País, ac2alityespanol and La Wikly. Results: 36% use this network for information and the majority of those surveyed appreciate that the profile belongs to a young person. We also highlight that 89% affirm that TikTok is an adequate medium for transmitting information with medium credibility, with the brevity and immediacy of the message being the characteristic that they consider best defines this platform. It should be noted that most view TikTok as a network for entertainment. Discussion and conclusions: A large percentage of young people use TikTok for information and they do so both through native media profiles and traditional media. Regarding the content, it is observed that the specific production is much higher in the traditional media and, in both types of profiles, the main content that is addressed is information of an international nature.


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Author Biographies

Laura Zazo, Universidad Francisco de Vitoria

Ph.D. in Journalism from the Complutense University of Madrid (2019), Master's in Professional Multimedia Journalism from the Complutense University of Madrid (2015), Master's in Educational Support from the University Francisco de Vitoria (2019), and Master's in Humanities from the University Francisco de Vitoria (2021). Professor of Journalistic Writing and Current Affairs and the area of Multimedia Journalism at the University Francisco de Vitoria. Member of the Research Group 'Imagination and Possible Worlds' and participation in various research projects.

Humberto Martínez-Fresneda Osorio, Universidad Francisco de Vitoria

Ph.D. in Communication Sciences and Master in Professional Journalism from the Complutense University of Madrid. Associate Professor of Information Technology in the Faculty of Communication Sciences at the University Francisco de Vitoria, where he teaches various courses. Director of the Journalism Degree Program in the Faculty of Communication at the University Francisco de Vitoria. Coordinator of the established research group: Observatory of Journalistic Messages. POSITIVE evaluation of the research period 2002-2010 (1 six-year term). Director of the scientific journal "Comunicación y Hombre" (2004-2012).


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How to Cite

Zazo Correa, Laura, and Humberto Martínez-Fresneda Osorio. 2024. “Study of the profiles on TikTok of El Mundo, El País, ac2alityespanol and La Wikly to analyze the informative opportunities of this social network for the young audience”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 82 (January):1-13.


