The role of media in health crisis situations. The perception of society on social control and norms during the COVID-19 pandemic




Media; social control; disinformation; health crisis; COVID-19.


Introduction: This study focuses on the analysis of the perception on the roles of mass media during the health crisis derived from the COVID-19 pandemic. It also studies how people adopt specific roles oriented towards the legitimation and implementation of control and social norms. Methodology: A questionnaire was designed based on a set of Likert type answers responded by 704 people from different regions in Spain. Data were analyzed using SPSS software package. Results: Results indicate that sex and age are determining variables in the legitimation and implementation of social control between peers. Results also indicate that there is a relationship between the way people perceive the role of media and their predisposition to abide by and exercise social norms and control. Discussion and conclusions: Both the literature and obtained data show that there is a relationship between the role of media in situations of social alarm and health crisis, and the processes of construction and legitimation of cosmovisions of “reality” derived from disinformation, hoaxes and noise information.


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Author Biographies

Gorka Roman Etxebarrieta, University of the Basque Country

He holds a Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and is professor at the Department of Language and Literature Teaching in the Faculty of Education of this same university. He is a doctoral candidate in Psychodidactics. He has several Bachelor’s Degrees in Basque Philology, English Philology, and Social and Cultural Anthropology. He has done various research stays; at Kent University (The United Kingdom), at the University of Bayonne, at the University Institute of Lisbon, and at Columbia University (New York). His expertise includes discourse analysis, the construction of political and linguistic identity, and social-educative inclusion processes. He is part of several international research projects and is the Principal Investigator in an Erasmus+ project.  He is head editor of various books on educational innovation and social-educative inclusion.

María Álvarez-Rementería Álvarez, University of the Basque Country

She is a Doctoral Candidate in the Psychodidactics program of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). She holds a Master’s Degree in Psychodidactics (UPV/EHU) and holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Primary Education Teaching (UCM). Since the beginning of 2020, she has been a KideON member, a consolidated research group of the Basque Government. Her main lines of research focus on Inclusive Teaching, the continuous training of teaching staff, and sociocultural inclusion. In 2019, she did a stay at the National University of Ireland (NUI – Galway). 

Elizabeth Pérez-Izaguirre, University of the Basque Country

Elizabeth Pérez Izaguirre es diplomada en Educación Social y licenciada en Antropología Social y Cultural (UPV/EHU). En 2013 finalizó un Máster en Relaciones Internacionales (University of Kent) y en 2018 defendió su tesis Education, language, and identity in multi-ethnic environments: a case study (UPV/EHU). Actualmente, es profesora adjunta del departamento de Didáctica y Organización Escolar. Desarrolla su labor utilizando metodología cualitativa y cuantitativa y ha realizado investigación etnográfica en la escuela vasca para estudiar la identidad del alumnado inmigrante y la diversidad lingüística, la relación entre docentes y alumnado, tomando en consideración las relaciones de poder. También ha realizado estancias de investigación en la Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) y la Universidad de Nevada, Reno (UNR).

Maria Dosil Santamaria, University of the Basque Country

She holds a Ph.D. in Psychology. She has a Degree in Social Education and is Specialist in mediation. She has expertise in the social field and several publications about old people. She is part of innovation projects and international projects.


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How to Cite

Roman Etxebarrieta, G., Álvarez-Rementería Álvarez, M., Pérez-Izaguirre, E. ., & Dosil Santamaria, M. . (2020). The role of media in health crisis situations. The perception of society on social control and norms during the COVID-19 pandemic. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (78), 437–456.


