The cuisine of product: hallmark and communication resource in the haute cuisine in Spain




gastronomy, communication, product-based cuisine, identity, tradition, restaurant


Introduction: This research analyses the messages transmitted by the Spanish haute cuisine in order to assess how the product-based cuisine is used as a symbol of gastronomic identity and communication resource. Methodology: The sample is composed of the most important restaurants in the country in the culinary modality of product-based cuisine and those with two and three stars awarded by the Michelin Guide in 2018; a total of forty-nine. Results and conclusions: Most of the product-based restaurants consider the elements raw material, specialization and tradition in their communication; those in the avant-garde choose innovation, raw materials and tradition instead, so that there are coincidences in the last two, which could mean that the gastronomic identity is a concept that, conveyed through its messages, can be assimilated to that of territorial identity.


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Author Biographies

María Dolores Fernández-Poyatos, Universty of Alicante

PhD in Geography and History. She is Full professor of Universidad de Alicante, where she develops her teaching and research tasks in different undergraduate degree studies and master’s degrees: Advertising and Public Relations, Tourism and TADE (Spanish acronym for Tourism and Administration and Business Management) as well as the master’s degree: Communication in creative industries and Community nutrition.

She has participated as principal director and researcher in projects of international, national and community scope related to communication. She is a member in different research groups on Communication and a member of university institutes: Interuniversitario de Economía Internacional e Investigaciones Turísticas.

Her research lines are focused in the history of communication, gastronomy, tourism communication and the field of institutional communicational strategies. She is author and co-author of papers on publications indexed in bases of renowned Prestige, as well as of lectures for congresses of international and national scope.

Ainhoa Aguirregoitia-Martínez, University of Alicante

PhD in Tourism Management and Planning by Universidad de Alicante with the dissertation "La gastronomía en España: comunicación, modernidad e historia (1876-1936)” [Gastronomy in Spain: communication, modernity and history (1876-1936)]. She is a graduate in Advertising and Public Relations by Universidad de Alicante.

With a master’s degree in Tourism Management and Planning, thanks to a scholarship, she specialises as a researcher-collaborator in research projects. She has developed her professional activity in the department of R+D in restaurant companies.

Currently, her research lines are focused on gastronomy, communication and history. She is author of papers and lectures to congresses in the field of communication of both national and international scope. Some of the peer-reviewed journals where she has published include: Estudios sobre el mensaje periodístico, Historia y comunicación and Revista latina de comunicación. 

Nora Leticia Bringas Rábago, Department of Urban Studies and Environment

PhD in Geography and Territory Regulation, with a major in Tourism, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3 and member of the National System of Researchers (SNI). 

She is researcher professor in El Colegio de la Frontera Norte (Colef) and currently President in the Mexican Academy of Tourist Research, A. C. (AMIT).

Her main research lines include: socio-spatial studies on tourism, the frontier tourism and gastronomic tourism. She has published in books and peer-reviewed journals like: Región y SociedadEconomía, Sociedad y Territorio; Frontera Norte; Estudios Fronterizos; Estudios y Perspectivas en Turismo; Cuadernos de Turismo; Journal of Environment & Development; Current Issues in Tourism; Ocean & Coastal Management; among others.

In 2017, she coordinated together with Maribel Osorio, the book El turismo residencial en México. Comportamientos socioespaciales. [Residential tourism in Mexico: Socio-spatial behaviours]


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How to Cite

Fernández-Poyatos, María Dolores, Ainhoa Aguirregoitia-Martínez, and Nora Leticia Bringas Rábago. 2019. “The cuisine of product: hallmark and communication resource in the haute cuisine in Spain”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 74 (May):873-96.


