Framing & islamophobia. Spanish reference press coverage during the Egyptian Revolution (2011-2013)




islamophobia; cultural framing; Egypt; Arab Spring; islamism


Introduction: This article evaluates the coverage of the Egyptian Revolution in ABC, El Mundo, El País and La Vanguardia, between January 2011 and December 2013, with the goal to investigate if there was Islamophobia and how it manifested itself. Methods: The study is based on the examination of the units of analysis that present Islamophobia through a system of deductive or predefined frames, and inductive frames, which emerge from reading the texts. Specifically, 428 journalistic pieces are examined through an analysis of quantitative content, and twenty-two editorials based on a qualitative content analysis. Results and conclusions: The results reveal that Islamophobia, when it does appear, does so in a subtle way. Moreover, it concentrates as much on political Islamism as on discourses that subscribe to the incompatibility between Islam and democracy, or the backwardness and homogeneity of the Arab-Islamic world with respect to Western superiority.


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Author Biographies

Alfonso Corral, San Jorge University

Alfonso Corral is a Doctor in Communication from the San Jorge University (extraordinary prize) and a teacher attached to the Institute of Humanism and Society of the San Jorge University. He is also a researcher of the group Migraciones, Interculturalidad y Desarrollo Humano, recognized and funded by the Government of Aragon. His line of study is focused on the communication and the Arab-Islamic world binomial, especially media Islamophobia, although he also analyzes topics such as the integration of immigrants or journalistic discourse on immigration. He has published articles on Islamophobia, the Arab revolutions, migrations, framing, network society, and the media in national and international scientific journals with an impact factor.He has also participated in national and international conferences on communication, digital communication, and the Arab-Islamic world. He has also been the beneficiary of grants in competitions for international stays in prestigious centers such as the Institute for Media Studies of the KU Leuven (Belgium).

Cayetano Fernández Romero, San Jorge University

Cayetano Fernández Romero is a Doctor of History from the University of Navarra. He is currently a professor and academic coordinator of the Institute of Humanism and Society of the San Jorge University. He is also a researcher of the group Migraciones, Interculturalidad y Desarrollo Humano, recognized and funded by the Government of Aragon. His lines of research are migration and the media, the integration of immigrants, interculturality, history, demography, and social movements. His scientific production in national and international journals with impact value has been recognized with six years of research by the National Commission for Evaluating Research Activity (CNEAI, by its acronym in Spanish). He has also directed four doctoral theses and participated in different European funding projects.

Carmela García Ortega, San Jorge University

Carmela García Ortega is a Doctor in Communication from the University of Navarra. She is currently Head of Studies at the Faculty of Communication and Social Sciences of the San Jorge University. Her lines of research are political communication and the history of journalism. She has expanded her training in research methodologies at the universities of Salamanca and Essex (United Kingdom). Main researcher of Comunicación, Periodismo, Política y Ciudadanía, a research group recognized by the Government of Aragon. She is also a project evaluator for the Spanish Research Agency, has six years of research recognized by the National Commission for Evaluating Research Activity (CNEAI, by its acronym in Spanish) (2008-2014) and five years of teaching excellence by the USJ. She has co-directed two doctoral theses and is accredited by the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA, by its acronym in Spanish) in the figures of Hired Doctor Professor, Private University, and Assistant Doctor.


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How to Cite

Corral, A. ., Fernández Romero, C., & García Ortega, C. (2020). Framing & islamophobia. Spanish reference press coverage during the Egyptian Revolution (2011-2013). Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (77), 373–392.


