Perceptions and expectations in the university students from adaptation to the virtual teaching triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic




COVID-19, university, virtual teaching, inclusive society, misinformation, confinement


Introduction: Confinement has fostered the debate on digitization and virtual teaching. The objective is to expose the disadvantages of the telematic education system adopted during the quarantine on subjects like equal opportunities, well-being and satisfaction, and teaching quality; focusing on the university education level and taking into account the management of communications with the students. Methodology: Two surveys, both distributed by online means, were carried out on university students, one at the beginning of the confinement (n: 1612), and another in the examination period (n: 872). Results: 90% of students prefer face-to-face teaching and 80% consider that their university has not adapted adequately. Most believe that they will learn less, that their academic record will be affected, and that they will have more difficulties while finding a job. More than a half of the students have suffered close experiences related to coronavirus and they feel a lack of understanding on the university side.  Conclusions: Universities have shown a poor institutional communication performance during the pandemic, both in communication with students and in listening to them.


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Author Biographies

Fernando Gil Villa, University of Salamanca

Professor of Sociology. Four research sections and six teaching sections. Director of the Recognized Research Group SEVIN (Society, Education and Violence in Children). Coordinator of the USAL 2020-23 Strategic Plan. Visiting Professor at the University of Chicago, Portsmouth, Brasilia, etc. Research lines: sociology of education, health and deviance.

José David Urchaga Litago, Pontifical University of Salamanca

Professor of Methodology, Statistics and Psychology at the Faculty of Communication of the Pontifical University of Salamanca (Spain). Areas of interest: multivariate statistics, qualitative and quantitative methodology, analysis of news and advertising content, topics related to habits in adolescents and young people (especially those related to health, bullying, values, religiosity, family relationships, use of media , education), social inequality, compulsory and university education. Recognized six-year period of investigation. Direction of 21 doctoral theses. Participation and direction of several funded research projects. Articles in journals indexed in WOS or Scopus: 17. Research stays in various Latin American universities: Universidad Iberoamericana, Universidad Intercontinental, UNAM (Mexico).

Adrian Sanchez-Fdez, University of Salamanca

Degree in Biotechnology from the University of Salamanca (Spain) and Bellarmine University (U.S.A). Master in Cancer Biology and Clinic from the University of Salamanca. Predoctoral researcher at the Salamanca Biomedical Research Institute (IBSAL) with funding from the Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC). Member of the management team of the Spanish Society of Academic Excellence (SEDEA).


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How to Cite

Gil Villa, F., Urchaga Litago, J. D., & Sánchez Fernández, A. (2020). Perceptions and expectations in the university students from adaptation to the virtual teaching triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic. Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (78), 65–85.


