Representation of the Other in social advertising: Analysis of the graphic advertising of NGDOs in social networks




Social advertising, Social representations, NGDO, Social networks, Otherness, Discourse


This article examines social advertising’s discourse and representation of the “Other”, understood as any social or cultural group of people depicted in such advertising message. The article describes the features used in recent decades by social advertising to represent minority groups or groups of people in a situation of vulnerability or exclusion. The study is based on the analysis of the representation of the Other in the graphic advertising disseminated by NGDOs in social networks, in Spain, between 2011-2016. A sample of advertising messages is subjected to content analysis to identify the sectors targeted and depicted by NGDOs and the differences in their representations, as well as the type of discourses used to portray these groups. The critical analysis of the discourse and image aims to determine whether NGDOs legitimise social relations of subordination between social and cultural groups. Finally, the article examines some theoretical proposals based on the transformation of the representations and discourse of the Other (minorities and vulnerable cultural and social groups) in the social advertising of NGDOs, to identify ways to avoid social representations that legitimise relations of inequality among the populations depicted by the advertising discourse, as a first step towards an improvement in this area.


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Author Biographies

Claudia Arely Donis, Universidad of Valladolid

Bachelor’s degree in Education and Communication Sciences from the School of Humanities and the School of Communication Sciences of the San Carlos University of Guatemala. Master’s degree in International Peace, Conflict and Development studies from the UNESCO Chair of Philosophy for Peace, established at the Jaume I University of Castellón (Spain).

Currently student of the PhD degree programme in Spanish, researching in the area of communication, at the School of Philosophy and Literature of the University of Valladolid (Spain). Her area of research is related to the critical analysis of the discourses of the mass media, as legitimators of social relations of inequality between cultural and social groups and minorities represented in such media.

Teresa Gema Martín Casado, University of Valladolid

Professor, researcher and Member of the Department of Gender Studies at La Uva. PhD in Communication and Advertising from the Complutense University of Madrid. Thesis: The image of gender in the Creation of the advertising message of the XXI century (Cum Laude).

Master in Communication for Social Purposes: strategy and campaigns from the University of Valladolid. Master's Specialist Agent of Equality between men and women from the University of Valladolid.

Professor and researcher developing her work at the Complutense University of Madrid, the Miguel de Cervantes European University of Valladolid and currently at the University of Valladolid.

Researcher specialized in topics of Creativity in Advertising, Communication and Gender of the XXI century: Author of: “The treatment of gender in the media and Advertising. Recommendations for a better media treatment. Men and women in advertising and the media of the XXI century. Trends in advertising creativity and communication in the XXI century. Study on the treatment of Gender Violence in the 21st century media and Advertising and corrective measures ”.

Communication and advertising advisor, advertising creative and participation in equality plans and gender equality studies. Awards for creative strategy in social campaigns (McCann Erickson) and artistic photography on equality. Research awards at the General Secretariat of the State of Commerce and the Valladolid County Council. Participation in conferences, talks and colloquia on equality and trends in creativity and the 21st century media.


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How to Cite

Arely Donis, C., & Martín Casado, T. G. (2017). Representation of the Other in social advertising: Analysis of the graphic advertising of NGDOs in social networks. Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (72), 415–429.


