Red Bull, a paradigmatic example of the new communication strategies of brands in the digital environment




Advertising, Brand, Digital, Audiovisual Production, Media


In this research we will focus on online contents offered by the Red Bull brand either through its website or through its Red Bull TV App. As a brand, Red Bull needs to stand out amongst all the advertising noise, it needs to make itself be noticed and reach its consumers, but today audiences are fragmented, audiences are not submitted to the programmatic dictates of televisions. More and more, and especially in the young public, which is the one that identifies with the brand the most, it is an active public that generates its own programming grids, looking for what it really wants to see. So, how does a brand achieve to be heard? Through Rock&Love: surprise and give love. Hypothesis: Our hypothesis from the start is that Red Bull, in the search of connecting with its public, it offers contents of its interest which reaffirm the approach towards the brand, thus achieving Rock&Love. Objectives: According to the hypothesis, three objectives will guide this research: first, to know the codes of Red Bull in the digital environment. Second, to carry out an analysis of contents used by the brand to approach its users keeping in mind the new consumption habits. Third, to analyse the difference of contents depending on the media where it is issued. Methodology: In order to confirm our hypothesis or not, we will use the qualitative and quantitative method. The techniques to be used will be the documental observation and contents analysis. Conclusions: This Ad Hoc contents analysis enabled obtaining quantitative data and made the approach to our objectives in a qualitative manner easier, therefore, the starting hypothesis has been responded and it is confirmed that the brand uses Rock&Love in the contents shown through the different platforms of Red Bull TV.


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Author Biographies

Gemma Sanchis-Roca, Cardinal Herrera CEU University

Graduate in Advertising and Public Relationships (2001) and Doctor in Communication (2015) by the CEU Cardinal Herrera University. Her doctoral thesis comprised the study about applicability of web usability on Menus of DVD-Video and Blu-Ray.

She is professor of the Department of Audiovisual Communication, advertising and Information Technology, teaching the subjects of Registry and Image Editing and Audiovisual Theory and Technique, and conducting Final Year’s Dissertation Projects. In the field of research and publications she is currently a member of the research group "Rock & Love: advertising creativity in the digital era", from which lectures and papers have been presented in Congresses, and generating publications in scientific journals.

She has participated in teaching innovation projects and was granted an award for one of the projects of innovative education.

Coordinator of the Centre of Audiovisual Production of CEU Cardinal Herrera University. Professor of the Master in Communication and Digital Branding.

Elvira Canós-Cerdá, CEU Cardinal Herrera University

Graduate in Sciences of the Visual and Auditory Image (1996) by the Polytechnic University of Valencia and Doctor in Communication (2015) by the CEU Cardinal Herrera University.

Professor and Secretary of the Department of Audiovisual Communication, Advertising and Information Technology, teaching the subject of Audiovisual Theory and Technique and conducting and conducting Final Year’s Dissertation Projects.

In the field of research and publications she is currently a member of the research group "Rock & Love: advertising creativity in the digital era", from which lectures and papers have been presented in Congresses, and generating publications in scientific journals.

Her doctoral thesis was an historical and analytical approach towards formal novelties in fiction programs made on electronic format in TVE (Spanish Television channel) on the period ranged 1964-1975.

Santiago Maestro-Cano, CEU Cardinal Herrera University

Graduated (1989) and Doctor (1998) in Information Sciences (Image section) by the Complutense University of Madrid.

He received a positive evaluation to be a hired professor in the Valencian Universities, under the position of Doctor Staff Professor in a Private University. Since 1991 he essentially dedicates to university teaching at the CEU Cardinal Herrera University, mainly associated to the field of Audiovisual Production where he also teaches courses in the Doctorate Program.

In the field of research and publications he is currently a member of the research group "Rock & Love: advertising creativity in the digital era", from which lectures and papers have been presented in Congresses, and generating publications in scientific journals. He has published different scientific articles or book chapters.


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How to Cite

Sanchis-Roca, G., Canós-Cerdá, E., & Maestro-Cano, S. (2016). Red Bull, a paradigmatic example of the new communication strategies of brands in the digital environment. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (71), 373–397.


