The behaviour of the television audience on social networks. An approach to its profile and the most talked-about programmes
Television, audience, social media, journalismAbstract
This article analyses the profile of the television audience and its behaviour in social networks from different points of view, and across different TV formats and genres. Method. The study is based on a computer-assisted telephone interview applied to a sample of Spanish people over 18 years of age. A total of 1,201 interviews were conducted, with an absolute sampling error of +2.8 percent and a confidence level of 95.5 percent. The participating households were selected by means of a simple random sampling technique, while the selection of participants tried to assure representativeness in terms of sex, age and geographical location. Results. The most talked-about TV programmes in social media belong to the fictional, entertainment and sports genres, although there are differences depending on the age, sex and educational level of the TV audience. Conclusions. The study confirmed that there is a growing trend to talk about TV programmes on social media. However, it is necessary to carry out a detailed content analysis to better understand the audience’s attitudes and the issues explored on those TV programmes that are talked about on social media.
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