The behaviour of the television audience on social networks. An approach to its profile and the most talked-about programmes




Television, audience, social media, journalism


This article analyses the profile of the television audience and its behaviour in social networks from different points of view, and across different TV formats and genres. Method. The study is based on a computer-assisted telephone interview applied to a sample of Spanish people over 18 years of age. A total of 1,201 interviews were conducted, with an absolute sampling error of +2.8 percent and a confidence level of 95.5 percent. The participating households were selected by means of a simple random sampling technique, while the selection of participants tried to assure representativeness in terms of sex, age and geographical location. Results. The most talked-about TV programmes in social media belong to the fictional, entertainment and sports genres, although there are differences depending on the age, sex and educational level of the TV audience. Conclusions. The study confirmed that there is a growing trend to talk about TV programmes on social media. However, it is necessary to carry out a detailed content analysis to better understand the audience’s attitudes and the issues explored on those TV programmes that are talked about on social media.


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Author Biographies

Marisol Gómez Aguilar, University of Málaga

Marisol Gómez Aguilar holds a PhD in Journalism. Professor of Journalism and public relations in undergraduate and postgraduate degree programmes at the Department of Journalism of the University of Malaga.

Former coordinator of the Informe Anual de la Profesión Periodística(“Annual Report of the Journalistic Profession”), edited by the Press Association of Madrid (2005-2011).

Member of the research project CSO2008-05125, of the National Plan of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and of the Excellence Project PJ11-SEJ8070 of the Andalusia Government. Both of these projects are related to the analysis of the credibility of information.

Participant in three educational innovation projects (PIE08-45, PIE10-145 and PIE13-044) funded by the University of Malaga. These projects focus on the application of ICT in teaching and on the introduction of bilingualism to the teaching of journalism.

Her research interests include the analysis of the journalistic profession, focusing on the professional situation of women and the education of journalists, as well as on the study of the application of new technologies in teaching.

Co-author of the book titled Materiales para la innovación educativa en Estructura de la Comunicación (“Materials for educational innovation in the structure of communication”).

Francisco Javier Paniagua Rojano, University of Málaga

Francisco Javier Paniagua Rojano holds a Bachelor’s degree (1996) and a Ph.D. degree (2004) in Journalism. Since 2003, he is Professor at the School of Communication Sciences of the University of Malaga, where he teaches Corporate and Institutional Communication. Professor at the M.A. programme in Political and institutional communication of the Ortega and Gasset Foundation and at the M.A. degree in Strategic communication management and innovation of the University of Cádiz.

Former Director of the Communication Department of the International University of Andalusia (2011-2014). Communications Director of the Andalusian Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FAMP) for several years.

He has recently published two studies on the use of social networks in universities and their digital communication policies in Icono 14 and Estudio del Mensaje Periodístico: “Hacia la comunicación 2.0. El uso de las redes sociales por las universidades españolas” (“Towards communication 2.0. The use of social networks by Spanish universities”)and “La incorporación de los departamentos de comunicación de las universidades españolas al entorno digital. Un análisis cuantitativo” (“Incorporation of the Spanish universities’ communication departments to the digital environment. A quantitative analysis”). He has also published other important articles including: “Incentivar el emprendimiento periodístico desde la Universidad” (“Encouraging journalistic entrepreneurship at the University”, 2014) and “Las elecciones autonómicas andaluzas de 2012 en la prensa nacional: Análisis de la cobertura de Abc, El Mundo y El País” (“The Andalusian autonomous elections of 2012 in the national press: analysis of the coverage of Abc, El Mundo and El País”, 2013), both articles published in Revista Latina de Comunicación Social.

Coordinator of the Informe Anual de la Profesión Periodística(“Annual Report of the Journalistic Profession”), edited by the Press Association of Madrid (2006-2011). Researcher and coordinator in the R&D project titled “Análisis crítico del sistema de medios: credibilidad e impacto en la ciudadanía” (“Critical analysis of the media system: credibility and impact on citizenship”). Co-author of the book chapter titled “Journalists in Spain”, included in The Global Journalist in the 21st Century (2012), edited by David H. Weaver and Lars Willnat.

Participant in the on-going R&D projects of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness: “Use and influence of social media and communication 2.0 in tourism-related decision-making and the brand image of destinations. Useful applications for the Spanish tourist destinations” (SEJ-8073); “Credibility of the Andalusian media system. Citizens’ trust in the audiovisual media”. Also part of the educational innovation project of the University of Malaga, titled ”Development of personal learning environments in the teaching of journalism through the integration of resources related to the web 2.0” (PIE13-044), and of the project titled “Research and Learning of Media and Communications Management” of the Complutense University of Madrid.

Pedro Farias Batlle, University of Málaga

Pedro Farias Batlle holds a Ph.D. degree in Information Sciences. Full Professor of Journalism at the University of Malaga. He has published numerous articles on the media system, the credibility of information and the University teaching of journalism in Spain. His most recent publications include: “La crisis acelera el cambio del negocio informativo” (“The crisis accelerates change in information businesses”) (Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, 2009); “Opinión de los españoles sobre cuál es el medio con mayor credibilidad en 2010: un análisis bivariado” (“The most credible medium among Spanish people in 2010: a bivariate analysis”) (Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, 2011); and The academic use of social networks among university students” (Comunicar, 2012).

Director of the Informe Anual de la Profesión Periodística(“Annual Report of the Journalistic Profession”), edited by the Press Association of Madrid (2006-2011). He recently collaborated, along with researchers from more than 50 countries, in The Global Journalist in the 21st Century, published by Routledge, coordinated by David Weaver and Lars Willnat, professors from Indiana University (USA).

Member of numerous national and international research projects. Main researcher of the project CSO 2008-05125 of the Spanish National Plan, titled “Credibility of information and its impact on citizenship”, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. Main researcher of the on-going Project of Excellence SEJ-8073, titled “Credibility of the media system in Andalusia. Citizens’ trust in the audiovisual media”, of the Council of Economy, Innovation and Science of Andalusia. Evaluator of research projects for the Spanish National Agency for Assessment and Forecasting (ANEP). Former member of the communication group of the Spanish Commission for UNESCO (2001-2008). Current Vice President for Communications and International Projection of the University of Malaga.

Main researcher in the educational innovation research project of the University of Malaga: “Development of personal learning environments in the teaching of journalism through the integration of resources related to the web 2.0” (PIE13-044) and “Research and Learning of Media and Communications Management”, of the Complutense University of Madrid.


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How to Cite

Gómez Aguilar, M., Paniagua Rojano, F. J., & Farias Batlle, P. . (2015). The behaviour of the television audience on social networks. An approach to its profile and the most talked-about programmes. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (70), 539–551.




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