The Invisibilisation of Alternative Communication: Entry and Exit Proposals


  • Chiara Sáez Baeza Autonomous University of Barcelona



Alternative Communication, Social History, Public Sphere, Mass Communication, Popular Culture, Theory of Mass Communication


This article constitutes an epistemological critique of contemporary social knowledge, which demonstrates its disciplinary character (in the sense of analytical separation) as the subject of the discipline (in the sense of analytical separation with ideological aims). Yet it is also a critique which refuses to renounce the emancipatory promises of the political project of modernity: mass media have the capacity to make a person experiencing unjust conditions to connect to circumstances beyond the immediate confines of his or her situation. As well as being the principal means through which individuals obtain information and different points of view, the mass media play a determinative role in the development of the deliberative democracy (Thompson, 1998). However, this “promise” of modernity is becoming increasingly far removed from the mass media of the official public sphere, where a pseudo-enlightened culture coexists simultaneously with a popular culture of a commercial nature. In this respect, the mass media of the alternative public sphere –with their particular appropriation of popular culture and mass culture– seem to have a wider and more versatile set of tools with which to realise this promise at the present time.


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Author Biography

Chiara Sáez Baeza, Autonomous University of Barcelona

Sociologist. Doctor in Communication Sciences (2008). Title of the doctoral thesis: Third Sector of Communication. Theory and praxis of alternative television. A look at the cases of Spain, the United States and Venezuela.

Researcher on television issues and the third sector of communication. Consultant for the National Television Council of Chile. Member of the International Television Observatory OITVE of the UAB.

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How to Cite

Sáez Baeza, C. (2009). The Invisibilisation of Alternative Communication: Entry and Exit Proposals. Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (64), 416–423.


