Models of local journalism and strategies against the crisis: the case of the News & Observer




journalism, blogs, The News & Observer, McClatchy, Información, Prensa Ibérica


In the global crisis of the traditional press, some regional and local newspapers have been able to survive and get stronger thanks to adequate strategies that have been planned during the past few years and that now are beginning to bear fruit. This paper aims at analysing one of these models, exploring the keys of a particular case such as the North American newspaper The News & Observer, in North Carolina. This newspaper, that belongs to the McClatchy group, has gone for a hybrid paper-online model, with meticulous spaces for citizen participation, and for a hyperlocal press with a character all of its own. A comparative analysis of that model with the Spanish daily newspaper Información is also carried out. This newspaper is published in Alicante and belongs to the Prensa Ibérica group.


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Author Biography

José Luis González Esteban, Miguel Hernández University of Elche

Hired Professor of Journalism at the Miguel Hernández University of Elche, since 2007, where he teaches the subjects of Journalistic Production (responsible professor) and Language and Written Journalism Techniques.

Visiting professor at NCSU (North Carolina State University), in the United States, and at the Polish universities Wyzsza Informatyki Zaradozania i Administracji, in Warsaw, at the University of Wroclaw and at the Wyzsza Szkola Filogiczna, also in Wroclaw.

Doctorate and master seminars: professor of the seminar on Digital Journalism in the online European Master of Digital Humanities (Faculty of Humanities of the University of Castilla-La Mancha).

He has also taught at the CEU Cardenal Herrera University.

Director of the GICOV, Communication Research Group in the Valencian Community, within the UMH Master in Community Law, specialist in international politics. 

As a journalist he has worked and collaborated for newspapers of Vocento (La Verdad and ABC), Prensa Ibérica (Information), SER and COPE, and has developed online projects such as Digital Reporter, Blog Comunicación or Mundoetnia. Latest publications in 2008: González Esteban, J.L. (editor). (2008): Journalism and Olympic Sports, Elche: Ed. Diego Marín


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How to Cite

González Esteban, J. L. (2009). Models of local journalism and strategies against the crisis: the case of the News & Observer. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (64), 151–160.




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