Branded Entertainment: Entertainment content as marketing communication tool. A study of its current situation in Spain




Marketing, communication, branded entertainment, relationship marketing, branded content, engagement


New communication tools are emerging within the new marketing paradigm. One of these tools is branded entertainment, a kind of hybrid message used by brands to produce entertainment content. Method: the main objective of this article is to provide a better understanding of branded entertainment, and to explore its current situation and the expectations about its future in the Spanish market. This is an exploratory study based on in-depth interviews applied to a group of experts on the creation and distribution of branded entertainment. Results and conclusions: people involved in the creation and distribution of branded entertainment are very aware of its potential as a communication technique; experts agree that content must be relevant in order to be able to compete with other entertainment products; due to the growing ineffectiveness of intrusive techniques, the use of branded entertainment is expected to increase significantly in the near future; branded entertainment is perceived as the most suitable tool to generate consumer engagement.


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Author Biographies

Joaquín de Aguilera Moyano, Instituto de Empresa Business School

Joaquín de Aguilera Moyano holds a Ph.D. in Communication from the Rey Juan Carlos University (Madrid). Associate Professor in the Marketing Department of the IE Business School and Academic Director of the area of Integrated Marketing Communications of the M.A. programme in Management of the same university.

His area of interest is marketing communications. His latest work focuses on the modern forms of commercial communication, and particularly on branded content and branded entertainment.

Thirty five years of work experience in marketing agencies, twenty five years of work experience in senior management positions, including three years as general manager of a television production company.

Miguel Baños González, Rey Juan Carlos University

Associate Professor in the area of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising at the Rey Juan Carlos University. Ph.D. in Information Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid. Author of Imagen de marca y product placement(ESIC, 2012);Las palabras en la publicidad. El redactor publicitario y su papel en la comunicación publicitaria(“Words in advertising. The advertising writer and its role in marketing communication”) (Ediciones del Laberinto S.L., 2009); Al filo de la verdad. Historias de la publicidad en el cine (“On the edge of truth. Stories of advertising in cinema”)(CIE Dossat, 2005); Product placement. Estrella invitada: la marca (“Product placement. Guest star: the brand”) (CIE Dossat, 2003); Métodos heurísticos y creación publicitaria (“Heuristic methods and advertising creation”) (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2003); Creatividad y publicidad (“Creativity and advertising”) (Ediciones del Laberinto S. L., 2001).

Research lines: social advertising on social networks; influence of the methods to stimulate creativity in advertising; effectiveness of product placement as a way of advertising; analysis of websites targeting market segments; the cinematic imaginary: representation of the advertising system.

Creative and creative director in different national and international advertising agencies from 1986 to 2004.

Francisco Javier Ramírez Perdiguero, ISEAD Business School

Francisco Javier Ramírez Perdiguero holds a Ph.D. degree in New Marketing Trends, an M.A. degree in Humanities, and a B.A. degree in Information Sciences. Professor of Creative thinking and innovation; Action-driving communication; Product co-creation; Fundamentals of customer-oriented marketing at the ISEAD Business School, where he is also Dean.

Member of the research group of the Centre for Competencies of the ISEAD Business School and of the IGOID research group. His research focuses on the detection of KPIs in creative unlocking processes suitable to be implemented in the secondary-level education.

More than twenty years of work experience in the advertising industry, managing big consumer, car and fashion distribution brands. His professional career started at McCann Erickson, Madrid and Frankfurt, and was consolidated at TAPSA/NW Ayer and DMB&B in Madrid. His customers include: General Motors, SEAT, Fiat, C&A Modas, P&G, Texaco, MB Juegos, Koipe, Mantequerías Arias, and DO Vinos de Madrid.

Current Managing partner and representative of ARTDID, Marketing y Comunicación.


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How to Cite

de Aguilera Moyano, J. ., Baños González, M. ., & Ramírez Perdiguero, F. J. . (2015). Branded Entertainment: Entertainment content as marketing communication tool. A study of its current situation in Spain. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (70), 519–538.


